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The Solitary Wrestler:
Methods for Safe Weight Control

by Rob Prebish

Foreword by Greg Strobel
Head Coach Lehigh University
and 2000 Head U.S. Olympic Coach

Wrestlers sometimes die from cutting weight. Others develop bulimia, anorexia nervosa, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, hypoglycemia, or psychological problems. What is the rationale behind losing up to ten pounds or more in a very short period of time? The reasoning behind weight cutting has never been addressed in a way that explains why some wrestlers destroy their bodies for the sake of winning a championship. That's where this book starts.

This book is not intended to illustrate the negative characteristics of wrestling or provide a critique of the sport, but rather to show the rationale behind the decision to cut weight and its ramifications for athletes. The book will examine the reasoning and methods for losing weight, as applied specifically to wrestling. It will show how poor habits, both in diet and weight cutting, can and will affect performance and cause potentially life-threatening situations.

The Solitary Wrestler: Methods for Safe Weight Control offers a new alternative. It stresses developing the fundamentals of wrestling by drilling technique and improving cardio-respiratory endurance over losing weight. This book shows wrestlers how to improve their skills rather than worry about how much weight they need to lose for the next match. It shows wrestlers that they can control their weight safely, develop great wrestling skills, and have fun along the way!

"Rob Prebish has done an outstanding job of researching and putting together the most comprehensive book on proper weight management I have ever read."

-- Greg Strobel, Head Coach Lehigh University and 2000 Head U.S. Olympic Coach

"Rob Prebish and I grew up as successful athletes in a sub-culture which consciously puts success on the mat ahead of health concerns, and which unknowingly sacrifices long-term success to achieve short-term goals. Why do the best wrestlers in American high schools frequently cut excessive weight in dangerous ways, while the best wrestlers in the world frequently cut none at all? Rob Prebish's book suggests some answers, and a better vision for wrestling."

-- Ray Brinzer, 2-Time NCAA Placewinner, University of Iowa


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